Grigor Dimitrov

Grigor Dimitrov

Grigor Dimitrov.

Grigor Dimitrov.

Image Exif Data Value
File Name Grigor Dimitrov.jpg
Date 05/21/2023 06:26 PM
Filesize 19.28M
Width 3648 pixels
Height 5472 pixels
Horizontal Resolution 1800000dpi
Vertical Resolution 1800000dpi
Mime Type image/jpeg
Exif Version 0230
Camera Data Value
Make Panasonic
Model DMC-FZ2500
Exposure Time 10/20000 sec.
Aperture Value 4.64 EV
F-stop f/5.0
ISO 200
Focal Length 44.7.0 mm
Exposure Program shutter priority
Metering Mode pattern
Flash Status flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode
Light Source Fine weather
Shutter Speed Value 10965784/1000000


No model

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